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Softserv Solutions Private Limited

Jaipur, India |
Rating 4.09 3 Votes | Rate Now
Nature Of Business :

Technology, Services

Dealing In :

Inventory Software, Web Development

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Established In:

Soft Serv (M-Tags) is a software consulting company serving clients in USA/Australia/UK & Canada, headquatered at Jaipur. Our expertise include highly critical domains like Cloud Communication, Health Care, Construction, Oil & Gas and BPM. We have heavily invested into Indian Lables Industry and ate the only company in India concentrating on Thermal Labels and offer total thermal solutions. Barcode Printers, Scanners, Label Designing Software and ribbions. Our range of products include jewellery tags, Labels printing software, Inventory software, Plastic lock bags, ID Card/Diamond Certificate card printer and Seal tags.

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