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Leia Sgro

São Paulo, Brazil |
Rating 4.09 6 Votes | Rate Now
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Dealing In :

Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry

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Being a visual artist and a jewelry designer, Leia Sgro has , without a doubt, a different creative view on the world. Having lived in cities like London, Vienna, Boston, Tokyo, Madrid, Roma, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Leia Sgro communicates and translates her creativeness through her art. Her art is therefore unique and extremely diverse. With a degree in jewelry design from the renowned Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry ( Tokyo), Leia's work is a product of hard work and dedication. From design to metal sculpture, Leia Sgro uses traditional techniques to create fascinating art. Art that has been obscured by other modern designs. Leia's inspirations are pure and instigating, materials like pure wood and natural plants as well as metal and typical brazilian stones and seeds create very unique art products. One could definitely say that the artists talent is complemented by the diverse environment that has surrounded her throughout her life. Being multitalented has enabled Leia to dominate different artistics elements in the visual arts. Her skills differ from things like the art of sculpture, interior design and jewelry design to things like painting and ceramic art. In other words, Leia Sgro has a lot to offer.

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