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Martigny, Switzerland |
Rating 4.09 4 Votes | Rate Now
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Dealing In :

Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry

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Gexist (from the French "j`existe" -I exist) is first and foremost a story of passion. Passion for design -wear for the highest quality and craftsmanship. Whether classic elegance and modern design variations - whether it oriental-tinged or made delicate masterpieces in silver and gold -after highest Swiss quality standards, presents Gexist twice a year new collections -vorgestellt on the major trade fairs. The parent company of Gexist, in the heart of the city. The original, modern and constantly renewed collections were quickly recognized beyond the borders. In view of this dynamic development, a subsidiary was opened for distribution on the market. Sales are carried out exclusively by the authorized specialist dealer. With already more than 600 outlets, positioned Gexist as renowned brand in domestic and international jewelry market.

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