Wire and sheet rolling machine

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Double Head Rolling Mill is a combined sheet and wire rolling mill. The rolls are made of high special steel hardened and ground finished. They are housed in extremely strong frame to overcome all the vibration and stresses developed during working. The gears are made of case hardened steel and immersed in oil for noiseless and smooth operation. Various components are standardized and are interchangeable. This assures easy maintenance. This machine has been provided automatic lubrication oil and emergency stop (this facility provide only by customer require) Reverse and forward movement. Extra side roller arrangement. This machine gives high production of good quality wire. It is similar in construction to our model. Constant lubrication is provided to ensure smooth running and long life. This machine has been provided automatic lubrication oil bath in the gear box. Our entire machine is well-demanded to ensure reliability in our range owing to their following features:


High performance


It’s use in Wire, Plate & Side Design Roller­

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Bharat Machine Tools

Rajkot , India phone_verify mail_verify
7 years ago
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