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Adris Jewellers

Ipoh, Malaysia |
Rating 4.09 7 Votes | Rate Now
Nature Of Business :

Craftsman, Manufacturer

Dealing In :

Diamond Jewelry, Pearl Jewelry

Total Items:
Established In:

Adris Jewellers is a Private Limited company with a history that goes back to 1935, when its founder Mr Adris first started his business as a jeweller specialising in handcrafted jewellery in the town of Taiping, Perak. His store was later moved to Ipoh where the company’s head office is currently located. The company is now run by Mr Choola Adris who is gemologist and a graduate in business studies and jewellery arts. His special skills lie in his creative skills in jewellery design and manufacture, which has earned the company a reputation as being one of the prime jewellery houses in Malaysia, specialising in the state of the art products. Mr Choola characterises his company as a family jeweller which chooses to provide its best to its customers, a testimony of which is reflected in our ability to retain our customers up to the current fourth generation. As our customers would say . We may reside in any part of the world but when it comes to buying an important piece of jewellery or an engagement ring , we have to head back home to Adris Jewellers just as mummy, daddy, grandpa and grandma had done. We cherish this feeling.

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