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Diamond Digest

Mumbai, India |
Rating 4.09 4 Votes | Rate Now
Nature Of Business :

Publication & Media

Dealing In :

Magazine, Digital Advertisement

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Started Since 1991, Diamond Digest Reaching near the doorsteps of two decades’ graceful journey. On the happy and historic occasion of reaching towards two decades graceful journey, I wish on behalf of Diamond Digest, all of you a hearty greetings and felicitations. This will be a milestone event and hence there are mixed emotions. I must admit them I am overwhelmed with feelings of pride and prestige, nourish a sense of accomplishment. At this juncture, we all along with our esteemed readers and well wishers to take note of the successful years that have gone by, assess current performance and set a direction for the future. Intercepted since 1990, Diamond Digest has steadily traded the path of sustainability, with the purpose of providing affordable and innovative information, news and views to all along the journey as we gained fresh perspectives and have always been committed to the Diamond and Jewellery Community that supports us by many ways. Two decades ago when our industry was in need for a unbiased and balanced magazine in their own mother tongue as well as in English, we endeavored to publish Diamond Digest according to the need of the hour. I am thankful enough to all those who have help, in any major, big or small to shape the destiny of your Diamond Digest. At this stage I do want to acknowledge the contribution of our prestigious readers and advertisers. Since the world’s communication got equipped with new technology, we have also decided to render information quickly through network and hence we are coming out with our innovative website. Let me now turn to the future. The world is passing through very difficult times. Indian diamond industry has had its share of difficulties but has weathered the storm better. The global economic phenomena looks grim, with volatile financial and commodity markets and insecurity. Though our industry is relatively insulated from these uncertainties, we cannot be oblivious of the environment.We should be alert to these challenges in our various markets and businesses, and are focused on improving performance and enhancing operating efficiency.

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