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Fanny Fouks / Anne Ghez

Paris, France |
Rating 4.09 15 Votes | Rate Now
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Dealing In :

Imitation (Fashion) Jewelry, Gemstone Jewelry

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Anne Ghez creates its first collection of costume jewellery for 18 years, after a year at the Academy Charpentier. This collection is inspired by an experience with fashion designers for whom she created the jewellery of their haute couture. With interests in numerous exhibitions in different countries, soon the company grows by exporting worldwide. In 1990 Anne Ghez has a new idea: big outer hair accessories. The goal is to replace the conventional elastic hair with a sad jewellery and provide more fantasy and sophistication to simple hairstyles. Darling pearl is born. Gradually the line is enlarged, barrettes, clips, scrunchies, hairband, elastic bands, these accessories are rhinestone, beaded, embroidered and match the jewellery collection. Different lines are proposed, Evening, marriage, women, adolescents and children. Since then, two collections a year are performed. The materials, colours and shapes follow the fashion trends. Accomplices throughout the year, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, wedding ... Lately, Anne Ghez creates and manufactures special collections controlled by large groups of perfumeries, hairdressers and clothing for children who love his style and his ideas.

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